Maria Terzita Costa - Passenger Arrival Record - Australia

Maria Terzita Passenger Record Fremantle.png


Passenger arrival manifest for the ship Orsova arriving at Fremantle on 18 November 1909.

Listed alongside Maria is her uncle, Antonio Costa.


National Archives of Australia.

  • Title: Incoming passenger list to Fremantle “Orsova” arrived 18 November 1909
  • Series: K269
  • Barcode: 9255330


Report of passengers for the port of Fremantle from parts beyond the Commonwealth.

  • Ship: Orsova
  • Master: D.R.A. Parsons
  • From: London
  • Agents: Thomas Day
  • Arrived: Fremantle, 18 day of November 1909
NameNationalityRacePlace of ShipmentCalling or OccupationRemarks
Maria CostaItalianItalianNaplesHousewife

  • Document mentions Maria Terzita Costa.
  • Is document of type Passenger Arrival Record.